Monday, November 22, 2010

Of huge X-es and silent disco

It's been close to a month since Ad Unplugged 2010 and we've covered some contagious stickers, a connecting booth, a giving tree, a multilingual parrot and some desserts. Today, we look at the last two ideas of the selected seven.

Firstly, let's talk about the (probably) only ad that can be seen on Google Earth: Google Earth X!

This idea simply involves some paint and a bunch of building. First, we paint a huge ass X on the surface of the city's landscape. Then, we wait for the Google Earth bot to capture the X and tadaa! We wait for viewers to start seeing the X on Google Earth.

It's really a simple idea that gets hype and attention, and the best part is that it bring UOX to national stardom.

Next, we have the Silent Disco – a simple idea that installs headphones and music players in college and uni libraries, making things more lively and fun – amidst the silence.

Imagine browsing through your school library and stumbling across your friends who're moving to the beat that only they can hear. How cool is that?

So that's two ideas in one post today, concluding the Ad Unplugged post mortem. Although it's about a month since Ad Unplugged 2010, we do hope that the learnings have not been forgotten (yet)

Once again, great job to all you who turned up and see you again next year, mutants! :D

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Because everybodee loves desserts!

It's officially been two weeks since Ad Unplugged 2010 and thus far, we've already looked at a bunch of contagious stickers, a connecting booth, a giving tree and a multilingual parrot. Today's idea was from the same bunch of mutants who gave you yesterday's parrot. Like seriously guys. You really need to get your genes checked for real cause we're adamant that you're all abnormal. Mutants.

But hey, today's idea is still as awesome. Not only did it impressed the ECDs present at Ad Unplugged, your humble narrator is also sold to this idea. Because today's idea is simply Desserts!

What would UOX taste like? Hmmm...

The insight behind this idea was that most students spent their time hanging out with friends in their college/uni canteens. But head along from one canteen to another and ask them 'What's good to eat here' and they'd probably give you an 'Umm' before agreeing that the most palatable item from the kitchen would probably be the white rice.

This idea gives students a reason to actually hang out and patronise their campus canteens. It implements a new range of desserts called Dessert UOX and it comes in the form of ice-cream (!) and doughnuts. Skew it towards UOX's identity, and you get new interesting flavours, unique to the brand of UOX: yam, grape, blueberry and blackcurrant.

This adds literal flavour to the brand, and students actually get to experience UOX from a whole new perspective: through their tastebuds! And deng- it's already sounding tasty :D

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Of Multilingual Parrots

In yesterday's post, we spoke about trees and giving life to handphones. Today, we talk about the next idea that stole the ECD's hearts at Ad Unplugged 2010: parrots!

So this idea primarily involves a parrot and some SIM cards. Throughout the period of the campaign, colleges and unis can expect to have a new pet: a multilingual UOX parrot! That's right, it'd actually be taught to greet people in 4 languages, don a little purple tee and a mohawk and fly freely around the campus compounds. The cutest bit? The little bag of SIM cards that it carrries for distribution.

The insight behind this idea was simple. College/uni life gets dull and routinal for students. What more than a parrot to add some life to the atmosphere?

Great job Melody, Julia, Chui Ying, Luann and Mei Yan!

And as usual to our dear readers, feel free to comment on this post if you have anything to add or questions to ask.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Of Giving Trees and teens who love downloading things

So we've covered some contagious stickers and a connecting booth that made it big at Ad Unplugged 2010. Now let's look at trees!

They call this one the Tree of UOX but unlike Avatar's Eywa or the Nordic Yggdrasil, this one doesn't do the flashy shiny streams of lights nor does it transfer organic life to one thing from another. This tree gives life to something dearer to most students and teens. Their handphones!

The group behind this idea (who respond to the name Sai Win, Shin Wey, Eric, Su Lian and Shin Yee) worked on the insight that a phone these days mean so much more than a device of communication to students. In fact, phones these days are like an identity symbol of a person. Whether you carry an i-Phone, a HTC, a Blackberry or a basic phone that still has numbers on its buttons that aren't a part of the screen, it says plenty about you.

That's why students go to great lengths to customise their phones. Think little pink blings and downloadable apps, ringtones, wallpaper and screensaver thingies.

So how does this idea work?

1.A UOX Tree is set up within the college and university’s compound
2.Paper cups are hung on the trees
3. Some of them are fitted with music players that play a certain caller ringtone while others have wallpaper images on its base
4.Students can choose to download caller ringtones or a wallpaper images that they like from the tree

And there you have it, a tree that gives lives to handphones!

It was a unique idea that offers students with what they want while at the same
time conveying the message that you get more with UOX.

So great job to you guys behind this idea. And as usual, feel free to comment on this post if you have anything to add or questions to ask.

Thursday, November 04, 2010

Of Connecting Booths and friendly Malaysians

We spoke about that awesome winning idea at Ad Unplugged involving stickers and sexy people yesterday. Today, we look into the next great thing that stole the hearts of the ECDs at Ad Unplugged. Teh awesome UOX connecting booth!

So let's face the facts. Malaysian's are an overly friendly bunch who have more friends in Facebook compared to anyone else in the world. By friends, this includes good friends, good friend's friend, good friend's friend's friends and so on. Students especially can relate to this. They do after all love meeting new people and having more friends.

Thus, working on this insight, this group, (kudos to Alan, Sheng Feiyan, Yi Von, Zu Jian and Wai Kwan) came up with the UOX connecting booth.

How this works was that phone booths were set up around colleges and universities. It isn't your typical phone attached to a cord attached to the um -phone kind of phone booth. This phone booth had a single mobile phone and a web cam in it.

Anyone can choose to enter the phone booth and place a call to any of the other UOX connecting booths in other campuses. For example, Jon, a KL-ite studying in The One Academy can choose to enter the phone booth and make a call. The phone booth would randomly ring up any other UOX connecting booth and in this case for illustration purpose, the phone booth that it would call would be the in Lim Kok Wing, Sarawak.

Over in Lim Kok Wing, Sarawak, Jane is walking past the UOX connecting booth when it suddenly rings. She can choose to pick up the phone.

“Hello” she will say.

“Hi” Jon will say.

And Jon and Jane will begin a conversation for 3 minutes. As they speak, a screen in front of Jon and Jane will flash some suggestion of conversation starters... Just in case.

Now once the 3 minutes is up, Jon and Jane will have the option to see each other for 5 seconds through the web cam. Should they both agree, they will find themselves, staring into each other's face for that fraction of a minute.

Not long enough? That's alright. Cause if they decide that they don't hate each other's faces that much, they will have the option to add each other on Facebook and tadaa! We have a connection!

It was a simple way to help students expand their social circle and the best part is that it clearly exhibits UOX’s role as a mobile service provider that connects people.

So once again, congrats to you awesome mutants who came up with this idea. For the other five groups who's ideas are still in the hands of your humble narrator, we'll be taking a look at your works next time. And If you've any questions or comments about this idea (or if you're either Alan, Feiyan, Yi Von, Zu Jian or Wai Kwan who thinks that we've missed out something) feel free to comment on this post!

Mummys and Daddys of the awesome connecting booth idea

Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Getting ContagiUOX at Ad Unplugged 2010

First things first, congrats to all mutants, students, participants and living beings who turned up last Thursday at Ad Unplugged to brainstorm and churn out ideas with the ECDs. You guys did a great job, and it's not just us saying that, the ECDs think so too. The fact that there had been no hair wrenching, mouth foaming and exasperated cries from them only proves us even more.

So yes, Mr Kit, Mr Sa'ad, Mr Hisham, Mr Szu and Mr Edward are all very proud of you. This is your cue to imagine them smiling approvingly at you all. If you guys can't envision that for yourself, you can use this picture:

Yes, even Janet's proud of you too...

Moving on, Ad Unplugged 2010 may be over but deng, it was such a blast that we're still feeling its resonance here. That's why the friendly bunch at 95% have decided to have our own Ad Unplugged Post Mortem, where we'll be slicing up the seven selected works, and showing you why they worked.

If you were there at Ad Unplugged, you would already know which were the selected seven and what the ideas were about. If you weren't.... well... maybe if you stared hard enough at the pictures, you might be able to infer something out of it.

So without further ado, let's bring in the winning piece. ContagiUOX, by Celine, Edmond, Ejin, Jon and June.

To recap, the brief this year was to promote UOX using ambient ideas in colleges and universities.

Working on the insight that:

- Students these day lack real-life social communication with each other
- Students live stressful life

and the brand problem which was

- UOX had low brand awareness among youngsters

The group under the guidance from their mentor for the day, Kit Ong came up with a simple solution: The Stick Message System, SMS in short.

How this works was that firstly, sticker dispensers from UOX were installed in colleges and universities. Students can then just grab a sticker or two to write their own messages on it and later, 'send' them out, by simply sticking the sticker onto someone else (without their knowing)

Anything can be written on these stickers, be it a fun message, an encouraging message, a phone number, a death threat, a hotel room number... you get the picture.

When the recipient realises that he or she has been sticker-ed, he or she can choose to reply the message (or take revenge), heading back to the sticker dispenser and repeating the process.

The rationale behind this idea was to help students get more out of life: by creating real life communication opportunities. This paves the way for them to meet more real people than online profiles. Neat.

Production wise? Even neater. It is easy to produce and media space (the student body, literally!) was in abundance. And when the student walks around and out of campus, the idea travels with him. This makes it highly visible.

So why did the judges like it? Why did Kit Ong even say he'd wish he was the one who came up with it?

Primarily, because it was simple. Students are a vicious and vengeful sort (when it comes to things like this) so naturally, they would want to get back at each idea. And because of that, this idea would only end up more viral.

Now don't you wish that you came up with it instead?

So that's one idea down, another six to go. Your humble narrator would love to put them up here but once again, the friendly bunch at 95% would rather go at it one at a time.

Stick around to learn about what worked for the other six. If you've any questions or comments about this idea (or if you're either Celine, Edmond, Ejin, Jon or June who would like to add a little more to our post mortem on your work) let us know! Comment on this post!

Congrats guys! Now go brag about it to your friends!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thank You Publicis Malaysia!

Managing Director Dean Bramham sent us this deeply touching testimonial last night.

"In early 2010, as part of the Publicis Malaysia change program, I took the decision to engage Janet and 95%. We needed help on three things; bringing a broad business strategy to life for the management team by having them write a shared vision. Secondly, we needed to cascade the vision to the staff in an exciting, real and practical way. Lastly and probably the most important, we needed on-going help on the follow through.

Janet and her team have been amazing in constructing the program. They have inspired us, pushed and challenged us, and coached us to a really great place. At all times the team has been hands-on and personally committed to our successful change. In fact we feel like they are now part of our management team.

And it has not stopped there. In addition to future top-up vision exercises we have planned, we are also aligning our training calendar with the specific training modules from the 95% training programs, special tailored programs and even one-on-one training.

95% is a one-stop change management service; from analysis, tailored change programs and execution to modular training programs to suit your needs. And always hands-on; simply brilliant!"

Managing Director, Publicis Malaysia.

Thank you very much New Publicis. Changing your culture is not an easy to thing to do, but you are doing it with full commitment. We applaud your tenacity, we salute your amazing results and wins. It is an honour working with you, and we look forward to the next phase of your growth.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The 40 years generation gap

So as this generation takes a leap towards civic society, it's no wonder so many CSR projects by big companies are being awarded at Spikes and Cannes.

Here's an interesting presentation about society's change in thinking every 40 years:

Monday, September 27, 2010

Copywriters Are So Yesterday

Copywriters as we know them are obsolete. What we now need is a new breed of writers : storytellers.

Storytellers who tell stories about brands. Storytellers who make the simplest things wonderful. Storytellers who put a nostalgic smile or tear on people’s face. And most importantly, storytellers who tell stories from the heart, for such stories move people, evoke emotions and are derived from insights that touch the human heart – something you won’t get from joining a mere copywriting course.

However, here’s the good news : Copywriters by nature are storytellers. Of course, there are always exceptions; and those exceptions – those who play by the rules, see no good, possible end to storytelling – will soon be waving the industry farewell.

Are you a storyteller? If yes, the advertising/marketing industry needs you!

International Ad Agencies are looking for Copywriters.

In the past two weeks, I've been spending time with Jeff Orr of TBWA, Szu Lee of McCanns and Yew Leong of Leo Burnett. Everytime we meet, they ask if I have any more copywriters to recommend. They need to hire copywriters, but can't find good ones.

Unfortunately, 95% does not have enough graduates to satisfy them all. Our Idea Rawkstarrs are all snapped up far too quickly.

I tried recommending a few freshies to Jeff, but he is currently pursuing an Idea Rawkstarrs graduate - an Economics grad whose previous job was in a bank. Jeff says this guy's ideas are as good as what he would like to see in a medium-weight copywriter's portfolio! Wow, that says a lot for this guy.

I'm writing this because I have met many young hopefuls who want to be copywriters. Some have even managed to get a job in a small agency. A few are happy, but many feel stuck and are wondering if copywriting is what they really want to do.

Don't give up yet, guys. You just need the right training to put you on the right track. Your idea generation needs to be guided and disciplined. If you want the international Ad Agencies to pursue you, get yourself trained : Idea Rawkstarrs starts on 2nd December 2014.


Didi Pirinyuang
Joined McCann-Erickson as a copywriter soon after graduating from 95%

"Joining 95% set the wheels of my career in motion. Things, career-wise, were pretty much stuck in a rut prior to my enrollment. I was in a mediocre ad agency doing mediocre work, getting nowhere. But now, I've just gone for three interviews at three different international agencies on three consecutive days. Not bad, I think. What's even better is that out of these three agencies, two have given me an on-the-spot job offer."

Mei Shum
A copywriter at a small local agency, she's been trying to learn on the job, on her own for 6 years.

"Before the training, I was stuck in a rut and was pretty lost at sea without direction. I wasn't even sure I should be a copywriter. But now i know for sure who I am and what I'm capable of. I'm now armed with the skills, the knowledge and the confidence to move up and onwards. I've learned how to harness my full potential. What I've learned and taken away from 95% has really given a new lease on life."

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Who are you, and what is your dream?

We had the privilege of hearing, no, not just hearing, but experiencing, Bryce Courtenay share at Spikes 2010.

The message I got from him is...

Life is not about what you have. It's not about your car, condo, credit cards, etc.
Life is about what you do, who you are, and what your dream is.

When we are young, we have incredible dreams. Then our Parents, Teachers, Peers come and steal them away. They tell us it is not sensible, it won't sustain us, it is ridiculous, ... they are our Dream Stealers. They steal away our imagination, and all that we are left with,... is a career.

Bryce was an orphan who grew up in an abusive orphanage. Ironically, he said he was lucky he didn't have parents to steal his dream away. His dream is to be a storyteller. After a successful career in advertising, he finally retired and became an author. If he can make his dream come true, all of us can too. It may be a long, hard struggle and we'll get kicked in the ass many times, fall again and again, but if we don't give up, we can make our dream come true.

This may not be a revelation, but the energy and passion with which he shared his own journey was amazing. I was engrossed, spellbound, could not move, could not even blink. His energy was enmeshed with mine, creating a new openness, a new channel of healing within me.

I haven't read his book 'The Power Of One' but after meeting him, I must find it.

At Spikes, he took us all by surprise. He carried us away with him on an incredible journey. He made us laugh, he made some of us cry. He left all of us in deep thought, searching ourselves, wondering what is our defining dream...

Thank you Bryce Courtenay, you are the living personification of this quote by Marianne Williamson...

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”

To read Bryce Courtenay's profile, click on the title of this post.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Why Idea Rawkstarrs before a copywriting course?

Because Idea Rawkstarrs provides you the foundation you need to excel in a copywriting course.

You see, many think that a copywriting course is sufficient to help them launch a career as a copywriter. It may be true for some, but not for many. This is because a copywriting course focuses only on the skill of writing copy. The lecturer or trainer already expects you to have the skill to find good insights, build a solid and creative strategy, generate ideas and evaluate ideas.

But why would I need those skills?

Because to write damn good copy, you need a damn good idea. To have a damn good idea, you need a damn good strategy. To build a damn good strategy, you need damn good insights that ideally, none of your competitors have shouted about. You also need a good, thorough understanding of your target audience and product/service.

Writing copy doesn't start when you get a brief. Only after you have gone through the process of first searching for insights, building a strategy and idea generation, you can begin writing.

This is how Idea Rawkstarrs prepares you for a copywriting course – regardless where you take the copywriting course.

Idea Rawkstarrs trains you to…

  • Think like a Marketing/Advertising professional
  • Search for insights that make people raise a brow and go, "Really? I was never aware of that!"
  • Develop a strategic mind (that colleges/universities or even a copywriting course can't)
  • Build a strategy that is reasonable and logical, yet creative at the same time.
  • Become an idea generator who can constantly come up with ideas that answer the brief and strategy
  • Be your own source of inspiration instead of waiting for inspiration to find you (Don't you think it's immensely torturous and frustrating when you stare at the computer screen or black piece of paper waiting for ideas but none just seem to answer your call?)
  • To evaluate ideas strategically, creatively and logically

Once you have the skills above, writing copy will be easier. And even if others reject your copy, you’ll know what questions to ask pertaining to the rejection, instead of just settling for the answer : Not enough oomph la, or I don't feel it yet la, or it's not there yet.

You deserve much better than that.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

I can be a good copywriter without going through Idea Rawkstarrs, right? So it’s a ‘nice to have’ instead of a ‘must have’, right?

It's true that there are copywriters who did not go through a training like Idea Rawkstarrs but turned out to be excellent copywriters. Yasmin Ahmad, for one did not go through a training like that. So did Neil French and David Ogilvy. But those are only the few who made it big in copywriting. What about the others?

Every year, agencies take in fresh copywriters, but often we get these common feedback :-

  • I don't know what I'm doing.
  • I don't know what I'm doing is right or wrong...
  • Is this what a copywriter should be doing?
  • I find it so difficult to come up with ideas! I have mental blocks!
  • My ideas are always rejected! I'm always told to come up with more ideas because the ones that I've come up with are not good enough, or do not have enough oomph!
  • My copy is always rejected, always not good enough!
  • Clients always tell me things like "It's not there yet" or "Hmmm… I don't feel it" or "Not enough oomph la". What on earth does that mean?

Thing is, because of the rate work is going on in the agency, there may be no time at all for the seniors to mentor these fresh copywriters, let alone clients (else why would they be paying the agency, right?).

That's where Idea Rawkstarrs come in. This training is designed to provide you the foundation you need to advance in your copywriting career, and that includes :-

  • Being able to produce good ideas under immense stress
  • Strategic and creative thinking
  • Solid understanding of marketing and advertising
  • Street-smart Market Analysis
  • And many more…

It's true that these skills can be learned as one goes through life. Some take years and years to learn, while some who are sensitive and who work instinctively like Yasmin Ahmad, David Ogilvy and Neil French are the ones who soar. While not everyone is innately as sensitive and instinctive as these great copywriters, but everyone can be.

That’s how this experiential intensive training called Idea Rawkstarrs is going to train you.

Note : Idea Rawkstarrs does not cover train you to write copy, but it provides you with the solid foundation that every copywriter needs, and that’s the skill of looking for insights, coming up with a creative strategy that will solve a marketing problem, and coming up with ideas that answer the brief and strategy, and that are creative.

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Qualities of a Good Idea

"Gimme a good idea!" The marketing and advertising industry constantly demands for it. But what is a good idea? What makes an idea good?

Well, for those who know Janet, you'll know that an idea is good (or has some gems in it) when she raises one of her eyebrows by half a cm, when she goes wide-eyed for 4.235 seconds, or when she sucks in a deep breath.

Our grads know that it's hard to please award winning creative director Janet Lee (right guys?), but after the trainings they had undergone with Janet as their Idea Guru, it's easier to come up with good ideas.

So, what's a good idea? What makes an idea good? We've compiled a list of qualities that your ideas should have, but note that this list isn't exhaustive.

A GOOD idea…

1. Makes people go : WOW! Why didn’t I think of that?!

2. Arouses emotion

3. Increases sales

4. Gets people talking about it

5. Gets people sharing it or passing it around

6. Inspires people

7. Challenges your competitors (not always the case)

8. Causes people to come back for more

9. In sync with the current trends

10. Engages your target audience

11. And the list goes on…

"The only thing that matters is how you touch people. Have I given anyone insight? That's what I want to have done. Insight lasts; theories don't." – Peter Drucker


Tell me how can I generate good ideas! Click here : Idea Rawkstarrs
I need to talk to someone about generating ideas! Email : Jon at

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Huh? Idea Rawkstarrs can help me in being an Art Director or Graphic Designer? Can ah?

We've talked about if Idea Rawkstarrs can help students or switchers be good Copywriters in our previous post, but can the training help them be Art Directors or Graphic Designers? Certainly yes! As you would already know, designing and art directing do not just revolve around pretty pictures, aesthetics and beautiful color combinations; but also ideas.

Remember those days when you were staring at the blank piece of drawing block or blank screen while stressing out and scratching your head? You hear that bugging voice in your head that keeps screaming, "Need… Ideas. Need. Good. Ideas!"

Desperate for inspiration, you begin browsing through websites by great designers or books with beautiful designs. You scan each image, hoping quietly that inspiration will just come and spark something fresh and inspiring in your mind. Yet, sometimes, it just doesn't come! Ah, the frustration!

In Idea Rawkstarrs, you will discover ways to unblock your mental blocks. You will also learn the skill to churn out ideas continually, with or without pressure – a skill immensely important to art directors and graphic designers.

But everybody can come up with ideas!

True. But oftentimes many come up with ideas not knowing why the ideas work or don't. Creative Directors who have interviewed ad freshies (those who are new to the advertising industry) expect the interviewees to be able to discuss their ideas in a meaningful way.

Jeff Orr, Executive Creative Director of TBWA/ISC Malaysia said, "I'd like to be able to hold an intelligent conversation with them about their portfolio. Why they've done what they've done. How they arrived at the strategy, what were their other ideas. It's their intelligence I’m buying."

What adds to the frustration of many ad freshies (especially graphic designers and art directors) is the common struggle to express their ideas clearly. Those who can express their ideas with clarity often bring joy to the interview sessions.

So how does Idea Rawkstarrs fit into the picture?

Idea Rawkstarrs is like a pressure cooker where you will be trained to be able to be able to come up with ideas that not only solves a problem, but also wow and impress people. In addition to that, you will be able to think strategically. The classes are designed in a way that allows you to express yourself and your ideas and hones that skill as you go along.

So, can Idea Rawkstarrs help you in being an Art Director or Graphic Designer? Based on the participants we’ve trained, we can say 'Yes' with all confidence. Note however that Idea Rawkstarrs doesn't train you in designing (the skill aspect) but in conceptualizing ideas.


For more information about Idea Rawkstarrs, email Janet at or Jon at

Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Comfort vs Happiness

image by seanmcgrath

"In life, you've to choose if you want a life of comfort or a life of happiness?" - Karthik Siva (aka Strat Planning God)

There are some who believe that comfort brings happiness. But we believe that it is growth that brings happiness, for in comfort lies complacency where there is no space for growth, no space for struggle. But when one decides to grow, though challenge and struggles arise, yet in the end, there is a sense of realization, satisfaction and most importantly, happiness.

That's why we work so hard to train individuals, agencies and corporations. We believe that it is possible for people to be at their best, to be contributing selflessly and to be loving. And in so believing, we choose to work for what we believe in, and that's making this world a better place.

Which do you choose then? A life of comfort or a life of happiness?

Monday, September 06, 2010

Huh? Idea Rawkstarrs can bring me closer to my dream of being a copywriter? Really?

Yes, definitely! You see, the job of a copywriter goes beyond just writing. It's writing copy that answers the brief, is in sync with the strategy and most importantly, supports the idea. Sounds difficult? Well, one who understands the work process of an ad practitioner would find it easier to come up with copy that does all of the above.

So what is the work process? 

Before writing the copy and once you've gotten the brief, you will need to embark on a mission to search for insights about the market and the target audience! After that, you will need to work on a strategy as to what you want to say about your product or service. The moment the strategy is solid enough, you can then start on bursting with ideas that answer the brief and strategy.

After you get a good, solid, wow idea, that’s only when copy begins!

But how would I know if my idea is good, solid and wow? 

That's where Idea Rawkstarrs can train you to not only be able to identify what ideas are awesome, but also how do you come up with inspiring ideas. Because writing copy comes before ideas, generating idea will be one of the biggest challenges for you (in fact, for everybody!) With the ability to churn out good ideas – ideas that not only work and solve a real marketing/advertising problem, but also wow and impress people, you will be closer to your dream of being a copywriter than ever before!


Our next intake for Idea Rawkstarrs is on 2nd December 2014.
For the prospectus, click on this link : Idea Rawkstarrs Prospectus
For the website, click on this link : Idea Rawkstarrs Website
To know more about the training, contact Jon Chu at or Janet Lee at

Monday, August 09, 2010

Inspiring Ideas in Advertising that Changed the World

With the incredible impact of social media, some of today's best ads are not even ads! We've compiled some of the most awesome stuff that's being done around the world, the stuff that made us go 'wow', and you'll get to view all this in one mind-expanding evening.

Date : 24th August 2010 (Tuesday)
Time : 8pm – 10pm
Venue : 95% The Advertising Academy, 80A Wisma Dicklin, Jalan Bangsar, KL.
Fee : RM50

To book your seat, email Jon at

Me? A Copywriter?

Copywriters are people who write ads. Ads like the heartwarming Petronas commercials, or slogans like “Just Do It”, or even campaigns like Earth Hour are all conceptualized by copywriters and art directors.

If you enjoy writing and being creative, a career as a copywriter might be just the creative outlet you’ve been searching for.

To find out more, come to the Me? A Copywriter? workshop. You’ll gain a clear understanding of what copywriting is and what the job involves. You’ll also get to explore your potential and how you can get into the industry.

Date : 24th June 2012 (Sunday)
Time : 3pm – 6pm
Venue : 95% The Advertising Academy, Suite 2.02, 1 Jalan Medan Setia 1, Bukit Damansara, 50490 Kuala Lumpur.
Fee : RM50

To book your seat, email Janet at

Thursday, August 05, 2010

Brand Ideals

Created by Chris Garbutt of Ogilvy & Mather Paris and delivered with permission by Janet Lee, this talk provides a different twist on branding strategies adopted by some big brands.

It aims to open your mind, heart and imagination. So buckle up!

Date : 18 August 2010 (Wednesday)
Time : 8pm – 10pm
Venue : 95% The Advertising Academy, Wisma Dicklin, 80A, Jalan Bangsar, 59200, KL
Fee : RM50

To book your seat, email Jon at

August Talks / Workshops at 95%

This month, we will be organising a series of talks / workshops.

Brand Ideals
Created by Chris Garbutt of Ogilvy & Mather Paris and delivered with permission by Janet Lee, this talk provides a different twist on branding strategies adopted by some big brands.

Date : 18 August 2010 (Wednesday)
Time : 8pm – 10pm
Venue : 95% The Advertising Academy, Suite 2.02, 1 Jalan Medan Setia 1, Bukit Damansara, 50490 Kuala Lumpur.
Fee : RM50

Me? A Copywriter? (updated 13th June 2012)
Copywriters are people who write ads. Ads like the heartwarming Petronas commercials, or slogans like “Just Do It”, or even campaigns like Earth Hour are all conceptualized by copywriters and art directors.

If you enjoy writing and being creative, a career as a copywriter might be just the creative outlet you’ve been searching for.

To find out more, come to the Me? A Copywriter? workshop. You’ll gain a clear understanding of what copywriting is and what the job involves. You’ll also get to explore your potential and how you can get into the industry.

Date : 24th June 2012 (Sunday)
Time : 3pm – 6pm
Venue : 95% The Advertising Academy, Suite 2.02, 1 Jalan Medan Setia 1, Bukit Damansara, 50490 Kuala Lumpur.
Fee : RM50

Inspiring Ideas in Advertising
With the incredible impact of social media, some of today's best ads are not even ads! We've compiled some of the most awesome stuff that's being done around the world, the stuff that made us go 'wow', and you'll get to view all this in one mind-expanding evening.

Date : 24th August 2010 (Tuesday)
Time : 8pm – 10pm
Venue : 95% The Advertising Academy, Suite 2.02, 1 Jalan Medan Setia 1, Bukit Damansara, 50490 Kuala Lumpur.
Fee : RM 50

To book your seat, email Janet at

Friday, July 30, 2010

What if cigarette cartons were designed so badly that smokers would kick the habit???

Yes, packaging design is very very important. Click title of this post for a good chuckle.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Copywriter's Training: Our Blog Post Titles Are Going To Be Awesomer Than Yours Now!

Congrats to our seven copywriters who have made it through (and survived) the rough tough Copywriter's Training!

It's been a long-yet-frustratingly-too-damn-quick six weeks for our copywriters (your humble narrator included) where we had been taken on a long and perilous journey of learning and growing to find our voices.

Working on an array of subjects from dialysis foundations to oatmeal and girly tweet feeds, we learned to pour our hearts and soul (and kidneys too) into writing copy that didn't just talk down to the readers but spoke with them.

The results? Seven very happy copywriters and three impressed Creative heads at the end of the show.

Check out what our kind nurturing judges had to say about 95%, our work and us!

"At 95%, Janet and her team have it by the truckloads. Her passion is a kind of energy that is infectious and you can literally feel it when you enter the room. You see it in her students’ eyes. You hear it when they speak (ok, except for the shy ones). You get it in their work.

Having said that, I don’t think we need more people who can write great copy or do brilliant, insightful ads. That’s easily done. What’s more important are graduates with a sincere, passionate desire to change the world, to positively impact our times. I know Janet has a similar objective and believe 95% has a bigger purpose than churning out mere advertising majors.

You’ll get a strong foundation at this place. That’s obvious. What can only be caught though, is the fire to make the same foundation stronger and to build on it. To all students: You’re in a good place. Actually no, you’re in good hands. Now go out there and do something insanely awesome."

Edward Ong
Chief Creative Officer
Head of Copy, Asia
Y&R - Malaysia

"When I was asked to judge student’s work at the 95%, I reminded myself; go easy, be kind, they’re not professionals yet.

They had just learned to build their own strategies and write ads. And yet, their work showed insight, a sense of purpose and most essentially, charm.

Beyond all the technology, new media and random selling strategies, life as a writer boils down to two things; what you want someone to feel, and what you’re going to say or do to make it so.

They made me feel very positive about the future of young writing talent in this industry."

Gavin Hoh
Creative Group Head
McCann Erickson

"I don’t think there’s any other place that trains aspiring advertising professional
s the way 95% does. It equips you with just the right stuff to prepare you for the harsh realities of the ad agency. No fluff, no nonsense.

The advice of my University counselor in Melbourne comes to mind. She said “why don’t you stop your degree course and join my short course in copywriting? You’re doing a pathetic job with your other subjects but you can form proper sentences… sometimes.”

It made perfect sense but we didn’t have that kinda’ course in KL back then. So, I’m really glad that 95% is giving students what we should have had a long time ago. And it shows because the students of 95% never fail to impress."

Alvin Ng
Creative Director


Well, the road is still long and we'll always have lots more to learn, but this training is definitely a start for us aspiring copywriters.

So if you've missed out on this round's training, that's just too bad!! don't worry, we'll be having another one sometime next year. You've just got to stick around to find out when the next one's going to be.

P/S: This training is only open to graduates of Idea Rawkstarrs
"Must have ideas first"
-Ooi Eu Geen

Idea Rawkstarr Grad
The Copywriter's Training Grad

Janet Shares Her Learnings from Spikes Asia

It's amazing how much the ad scene around the world, and especially in Asia has evolved. In the words of TBWA's John Hunt "Our playground has gotten so much bigger."

This talk aims to open your mind, heart and imagination.

Created by Chris Garbutt of Ogilvy & Mather Paris
Delivered with permission by Janet Lee

Date : 31 July 2010 (Saturday)
Time : 11am - 1pm
Venue : 95% The Advertising Academy
Fee : RM50. Free for graduates, RM10 for guests of graduates.

Graduates of 95% are those who have completed the following trainings :
Idea Rawkstarrs
Copywriters In Progress
Ad Newbies In Progress

We've been getting many enquiries already and seats are limited. Book yours fast.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Here's some sharing from Angela, Rawkstarr grad and AE at PWR Design

Angela Lew, an Account Executive at PWR Design had two years of working experience before joining the Idea Rawkstarrs classes in the evening last February.

This is what she had to say about the training and what it did for her:

"I'm actually applying what I've learnt in all modules in my work, and to be frank, everything seems clearer and more precise. Just got compliment from my boss about the strategy i did few weeks ago."

Great job Angela!

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Me? A Copywriter? workshop

There is this bubbling within you – the need to inspire, to live each day differently, to touch lives. Here’s how you can channel that feeling through copywriting.

Copywriters are people who write ads.

Ads like the heartwarming Petronas commercials, or slogans like “Just Do It”, or even campaigns like Earth Hour are all conceptualized by copywriters and art directors.

Those ads, slogans and campaigns were once nothing more than a bubbling within someone, somewhere. Today, they’re touching lives and sparking inspiration.

If you enjoy writing and being creative, a career as a copywriter might just be the channel you’ve been searching for.

To find out more, come to the Me? A Copywriter? workshop. You’ll gain a clear understanding of what copywriting is and what the job involves. You’ll also get to explore your potential and how you can get into the industry.

Date : 24th June 2012 (Sunday)
Time : 3pm – 6pm
Venue : 95% The Advertising Academy, Suite 2.02, 1 Jalan Medan Setia 1, Bukit Damansara, 50490 Kuala Lumpur.
Fee : RM50

For more information, contact Janet Lee at

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Idea Rawkstarrs

Idea Rawkstarrs is a 3-month training for Copywriters, Graphic Designers, Account Executives, Marketing Executives and students who aspire to be outstanding.

If you have no background in advertising and you just want to be more creative, this will improve the quality of your ideas.


Everyone is born creative, but many people stop being creative when they grow up. Some are ok with this, but most are not. Have you ever met someone who is always talking and talking about ideas but not doing anything about them? Maybe that someone is you?

That's a sign of your innate talent wanting to be heard. Your creativity is begging to be set free!

Whether you're already nurturing your creativity or still questioning it, the seed is already there. It may be latent but it is there.

For this seed to germinate, you need a catalyst. An alarm clock of sorts, to shock it out of inertia. Then it can start to grow and bloom.


In this training, there are no textbooks, no long lectures. You'll learn by questioning, experimenting and discussing to arrive at your own conclusions. This develops independence, confidence and originality.

Many have described the training as a roller coaster : you'll sink deeper and fly higher than ever before, and the ride will leave you breathless and exhilarated.

Some have called it a pressure cooker : it is designed to challenge you so that you will develop strength, resilience and the bull-headed determination to blast your way through obstacles.

Some say this training provided them with a space to find themselves. Here, they have permission to experiment and make mistakes. They are free to express, explore and discover what's important to them. Dreams come to life. Goals become clear. Daily activities become energised with a sense of purpose.

The common denominator is that this is a 3-month experience like no other. It is like stepping out of your life and taking a journey into another realm. One from which you will emerge refreshed, recharged and renewed.


 Next Intake starts on 2nd December 2014

Get details on Idea Rawkstarrs :

To get more info, email

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Marketing to the "Silver Dollar" : Tapping into the retiree market segment

Shaikh Shahnaz and Janet Lee from 95% The Advertising Academy talks about marketing your products to an older crowd, the retirees. Click on the title of this post to listen to the podcast.

Friday, July 02, 2010

The Truth Behind Ethical Branding

Peter Gan and Shaikh Shahnaz from 95% Marketing uncover the truth behind ethical branding and how it can potentially increase the value of a brand on BFM. Click on the title of this post to listen to the podcast.

There is this bubbling within you – the need to inspire, to live each day differently, to touch lives. Here’s how you can channel that feeling through copywriting.

Copywriters are people who write ads.

Ads like the heartwarming Petronas commercials, or slogans like “Just Do It”, or even campaigns like Earth Hour are all conceptualized by copywriters and art directors.

Those ads, slogans and campaigns were once nothing more than a bubbling within someone, somewhere. Today, they’re touching lives and sparking inspiration.

If you enjoy writing and being creative, a career as a copywriter might just be the channel you’ve been searching for.

To find out more, come to the Me? A Copywriter? workshop. You’ll gain a clear understanding of what copywriting is and what the job involves. You’ll also get to explore your potential and how you can get into the industry.

Date : 15th January 2012 (Sunday)
Time : 3pm – 6pm
Venue : 95% The Advertising Academy, 80A Wisma Dicklin, Jalan Bangsar, KL.
Fee : RM50

For more information, contact Janet Lee at

Monday, June 07, 2010

Some sharing from our grads

Here are what some of our graduates have to say about 95%'s trainings and personal growth : -

"I was tired of doing my assignments in university. Almost losing my passion, I never put total effort in everything I did, yet the uni still gave me good marks. Then my friend introduced me to 95% trainings. I was very skeptical at first. But I decided to give it a shot since I had a long holiday at that time and I also wanted to experience something new.

The training itself was not easy. There were many mental breakdowns and failure that happened in between. But I'll just say that everything that I had experienced there is much more precious compared to 19 years of my life. And another great lesson that I have learned, is to be sincere with myself and don't try to satisfy others. Just give 100% of me and I will feel awesome with the result."
- Benyamin Rusli, Student, Limkokwing University College

“Personal growth was intense and nerve racking. For me, the point of it all was to look deep into my heart, mind, body and soul to see what and who I really am. Trust me when I say this, it’s a terrifying place to go that needs all your courage and commitment and then even more to go to. But at the end, you'll emerge from the dark tunnel and see the brightest light you'll ever witness. Somehow, you'll just never be the same again, and it’s for the better.” - Max Choong, Student, Taylor's University College

“The best thing I can say about the 95%'s trainings is that all of them, no matter what the subject was, focused on the core concept of personal improvement. Sure, they offered me skills. Sure, they offered me insights. Sure, they offered me criticism. But they didn't teach me any of that. They offered, and it was my own hand that took what they offered.

Rather, they helped define me. They defined my character, and my limits as I saw them. Then, they showed me alternatives, how to approach things differently, how to think differently, how to perceive things differently. And that's all they did, only show. Again, if I wanted the change, if I wanted the alternative, if I wanted to better myself again and again and again, I had to use my own hands to do it.
So I say, go for Sparks. Learn about yourself. Learn about who you are now. Learn about who you want to be. Learn about who you could be. And learn just how responsible you are for your own life, and how liberating it feels to be aware of it.” – Aiman Azri

95% is the place where you can get the best out of yourself. Here, I've witnessed how powerful I am and how impossible is actually nothing. Impossibility had actually just been inside of me. But at 95%, I gained more understanding about myself that made me realise that there was nothing in this world that could get in my way of what I wanted to be. This is not just about advertising, this is about myself. 95% helped me gain my confidence and belief, a belief that says "I can be successful". One thing that I got from personal growth was about making peace with myself. The result? It was the best Saturday I have ever spent without having a girlfriend :)” – Randy Raharja, student, Limkokwing University College

The training at 95% made me realise that I had been guarding way too many issues in my life, whether or not it had to do with disappointment, regret or shame with mental padlocks that prevented me from being truthful and happy. Personal growth was a platform for me to find the keys to undo those locks so that I may accept and reconcile with the past. The experience was mind blowing, tear jerking and nerve wrecking but at the end of day, the lesson learnt was so great that I'm sure it was worth every time and effort. - Jia Ming, Copywriter, 95% The Advertising Academy

Thursday, June 03, 2010

There is this bubbling within you – the need to inspire, to live each day differently, to touch lives. Here’s how you can channel that feeling through copywriting.

Copywriters are people who write ads.

Ads like the heartwarming Petronas commercials, or slogans like “Just Do It”, or even campaigns like Earth Hour are all conceptualized by copywriters and art directors.

Those ads, slogans and campaigns were once nothing more than a bubbling within someone, somewhere. Today, they’re touching lives and sparking inspiration.

If you enjoy writing and being creative, a career as a copywriter might just be the channel you’ve been searching for.

To find out more, come to the Me? A Copywriter? workshop. You’ll gain a clear understanding of what copywriting is and what the job involves. You’ll also get to explore your potential and how you can get into the industry.

Date : 27 June 2010 (Sunday)
Time : 3pm – 6pm
Venue : 95% The Advertising Academy, 80A Wisma Dicklin, Jalan Bangsar, KL.
Fee : RM50

For more information, contact Janet Lee at

Monday, May 31, 2010

Sparks, A 3-day Training That Guides You to Discover A Greater You

Click here to view larger image.

Sparks, a 3-day training for students who are passionate and work constantly to improve themselves to be the best that they can be. At this training, you will be led to break free from your limiting beliefs that hold you down to gain a clearer vision of what you aspire to be and from there, work towards it with all you've got. The result is a sense of liberation, energy and power to start achieving your goals and aspirations.

You will also have the chance to work with Creative Directors and Account Directors from the industry. This is where you will be guided to channel your creativity into ideas that solve problems, a skill that you can apply not only to your assignments and work, but also your life.

It will be a journey like no other. You will be led to discover more of yourself than you have ever known. And with that, you will find your inner strength to go the distance, to reach for your dreams and conquer them.

For more info, check out Sparks website. You can also contact us at 03-2287 7095 or write in to Janet Lee at or Jon at

You can also view what some of our graduates have to say about Sparks:
Grace Look | Norman Tang | Ong Sue Yin

Check out what our grad, Ong Sue Yin, has to say about Sparks!

"Because once you actually emit that one, single spark, it actually liberates you!"

"You'll never believe the things you can achieve..."

"You will remember this day for the rest of your life..."

- Ong Sue Yin, Copywriter, Dentsu Utama

For more info about Sparks, click here: Sparks
To inquire, email Janet Lee at or Jonathan Chu at

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Check Out Our Grad, Grace Look, Speak About Her Sparkalicious Experience

Grace Look
95% Graduate
Now working at Mind Valley

For more info about Sparks, click here: Sparks
To inquire, email Janet Lee at or Jonathan Chu at

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Sparks Training Overview!

For all the dreams you dreamed,
And the dreamer in you who dares to dream,
Who knows no limits and
never lets himself forget that,
This one's for you.

Sparks: Your Starting Point

We've all had them at some point in our lives: great dreams and aspirations, that tells us what we want in life, and who we want to be. Just that as we grow a little older, we sometimes lose track of those dreams as we attend to the list-of-priorities that comes with growing up. What if you found out that those dreams had never disappeared but had been waiting all these while for you to claim them?

Sometimes all it takes is a little nudge to start the ball rolling. You can start to realise and achieve those dreams again. And that is what the Sparks Training is designed to do.

It is a 3-day training that will guide you to reach greater heights and overcome obstacles that stand in your way. You'll have a clearer direction of what you want, and how to bring out your inner strength. It is a journey like no others that will lead you to discover more of yourself than you have ever know.

To find out more, come to the Sparks Training Overview that will be held at the academy on the mentioned dates below. You'll be guided to see the possibilities of achieving your dreams that will have you begin to see the world anew.

Sparks Training Overview on 29/5
Date : 29th May 2010 (Saturday)
Time : 10am-1pm
Venue: 95% The Advertising Academy. 80A, Wisma Dicklin, Jalan Bangsar, 59200, KL
Fee: FOC

Sparks Training Overview on 9/6
Date : 9th June 2010 (Wednesday)
Time : 8pm-11pm
Venue: 95% The Advertising Academy. 80A, Wisma Dicklin, Jalan Bangsar, 59200, KL
Fee: FOC

Sparks Training Overview on 13/6
Date : 13th June 2010 (Sunday)
Time : 3pm - 6pm
Venue: 95% The Advertising Academy. 80A, Wisma Dicklin, Jalan Bangsar, 59200, KL
Fee: FOC

This training overview is open to all students studying in colleges, universities and other institutions of higher learning.

To book your seat, please email Jonathan Chu at

Rudy La Faber featured in Adoi Magazine

Kudos to 95% graduate, Rudy La Faber who was featured in Adoi Magazine recently for his video submission for the YouTube Young Lions Film Competition!

Click on the tile of this post to read more

Friday, May 07, 2010

To dream is easy, but the road to achievement is not.

a 3-day training that guides you to discover a greater you

We've all had them at some point in our lives: great dreams and aspirations, that tells us what we want in life, and who we want to be. But as we grow a little older, we begin to follow our head, instead of being true to our hearts. Limitations and setbacks make those dreams grow a little more distant with the passing of each day.

Sometimes, one would stop and wonder, “Is it still possible to reach my dreams?” While some who had attempted but failed, would ask, “Why am I not getting there?” And with all these doubts, some may even question, if they ever had a dream at all.

But then again, maybe you've already achieved some things and seen some results. Yet it still feels like you could do so much more.

Maybe all you need is a little boost to take your game to the next level. A starting point, a nudge from the back. This is what the Sparks training is designed to do.

It is a training that will guide you to see a clearer direction of what you want in life, and how you can get there. It focuses on your individual growth to bring out the inner strength in you. With that, it will re-ignite the passion in you.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Seeking out the “Lost Art of Great Headlines”

Indeed, the Lost Art of Great Headlines were rediscovered and revived last Friday evening here at 95% The Advertising Academy. This was our second time conducting the three hour workshop and we had an amazing turnout of 26 eager participants.

The workshop was conducted by Janet Lee who imparted upon the participants, the various methods of coming up with great headlines.

It was truly an insightful experience that taught much and opened eyes to the many wonderful things that words can do.

Here are some interesting comments from our participants!

"Messages can be delivered through many ways, not just from only words and images" - Randy

"You writers out there think you can write? Wait till you sit in Janet's writing workshops!" - Jonathan Chu

"95% helps me a lot, especially during difficult times in my studies, like right now. Thanks 95% and thanks a lot, Janet" - Sendy

"Good headlines add a human touch to just text." - Saras

"Speak with your brain and your heart! (know your truth about product and target better) - Amelia

Thursday, March 18, 2010

There is this bubbling within you – the need to inspire, to live each day differently, to touch lives. Here’s how you can channel that feeling through copywriting.

Copywriters are people who write ads.

Ads like the heartwarming Petronas commercials, or slogans like “Just Do It”, or even campaigns like Earth Hour are all conceptualized by copywriters and art directors.

Those ads, slogans and campaigns were once nothing more than a bubbling within someone, somewhere. Today, they’re touching lives and sparking inspiration.

If you enjoy writing and being creative, a career as a copywriter might just be the channel you’ve been searching for.

To find out more, come to the Me? A Copywriter? workshop. You’ll gain a clear understanding of what copywriting is and what the job involves. You’ll also get to explore your potential and how you can get into the industry.

Date : 15th January 2010 (Sunday)
Time : 3pm – 6pm
Venue : 95% The Advertising Academy, 80A Wisma Dicklin, Jalan Bangsar, KL.
Fee : RM50

For more information, contact Janet Lee at

Friday, February 19, 2010

Here's to the Innovators & Early Adopters!

Seth Godin wrote about Moore's Idea Diffusion Curve (click on the title to read it on Seth's blog) and it confirms that our Idea Rawkstarrs are definitely not the masses. They are the Innovators and Early Adopters. Rawk on peeps!

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

A Step Closer to a Future in Advertising

I had the chance to go for this special workshop, called “A Portfolio That Gets You Hired” here at 95%.

What made this workshop so awesome was the chance to sit down with creative directors, experienced copywriters and dynamic account executives (depending on the department of advertising you choose to pursue) and have them look at my portfolio and provide me with feedback! It’s a very rare chance to have these extremely busy (and creative) people look at some amateur work, especially so for my case.

Who are these creative directors, copywriters and account executives, you ask? They are:

Chan Woei Hern - Associate Creative Director at Dentsu Malaysia
Cheryl Low - Account Executive, McCann-Erickson Malaysia
Faisal Ahmad - Malay language copywriter, Spin Communication
KC Aui - Dentsu Malaysia, Associate Creative Director
Vincent Chan - Creative Head GanForHire
Wong Sai-Meng - Creative Director, Womb Creative
Zac Labang - Director / Strategic Planner at Lucideas

I personally had the chance to speak with copywriters Chan Woei Hern and Vincent Chan.

I also learned about how to strategize and get ideas for an advertising campaign. It wasn’t easy, I tell you, but it was nevertheless challenging.

Long before this workshop, I had known that what I had learned in college was simply insufficient. I didn’t know how to plan for advertising campaigns, how to choose the right words to compliment my campaign and how to derive ideas from the insights that I get.

Well, at least after this workshop, I have a better idea.

Here are some things I learned:

1. I learned how you can’t think like a student anymore! It’s time to our mindsets and working attitudes.

2. I learned that what I have now is not enough. I need to put in more effort to get something of more substance out. (Those assignments we have done in college or university? Yeah, those. They’re not enough.)

3. I learned that you need to get in touch with life, to connect with it. To be successful in the advertising world, you need to experience life, to live life.

4. I learned that in an advertisement, words and pictures are not all that matter. What matters is if the brief is met or not.

5. I realized that insights are not easily gained, but are powerful when gained.

6. I learned more about my strengths and weaknesses, and I am ready to work on them!

7. I got a better picture of what creative directors are looking for.

As for what the other participants learned, many of them shared that they now had a better idea of what creative directors are looking for. Many were pumped up to redo their portfolios, but we definitely left without a discouraged heart.

When’s the next time this workshop is organized? Well, you gotta stick around to find out when.

P/s: Good things don’t come by often.

By Jonathan Chu


I am Jonathan Chu, 20 years of age, the new intern in 95%. I love music and writing, and am convinced that basketball is a far more interesting sport than football (you can scream “boo” now) and Mozart doesn’t make you smart.

“If there is no passion in your life, then have you really lived? Find your passion, whatever it may be. Become it, and let it become you and you will find great things happen FOR you, TO you and BECAUSE of you.” - T. Alan Armstrong

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Making a career switch into advertising

We’ve got some tips dedicated to those who want to make that career switch but are wondering about how they can go about it:

I don’t have a related degree or diploma. How can I enter the industry without these qualifications?

It’s not required to have design skills or a paper qualification related to advertising to enter the industry. There are several job options in the industry such as copywriting, strategic planning and client servicing, where all you need are:
• people skills
• the ability to analyse & strategise
• posses strong general knowledge
• good writing skills
• ability to work with tight deadlines and late nights

– however the challenge is to apply these skills into the advertising context.

The advantage that you have is your life experience and skills obtained from your previous jobs that would add a fresh quality to your work as it is a very people-culture industry.

The bigger question is whether are you willing to build on your skills and immerse yourself into the advertising just as an ad person would?

What do I need and where do I start?

Like every job application there would be your resume that lists your experiences and achievements during the course of your career. However if you’re coming from a totally different industry you may not have certain experiences that ad agencies are looking for. The answer lies in your portfolio – the ticket into a career in advertising.

An advertising portfolio will consist of work that reflects your creativity, ability to strategise (even in the creative industry you need good solid thinking) and understanding of the brand-positioning approach behind a particular product. Basically it is where you are able to showcase your abilities and catch the attention of your future employers!

If you’re not sure about what it takes to build an impressive portfolio, join us in our “A Portfolio That Gets You Hired” workshop this Saturday. You'll understand how to start building your portfolio and prepare yourself for an interview that could change your life. Email or call 03-2287 7095 for more info!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Next Intake : 23rd February 2010

Idea Rawkstarrs is a 3-month training for Copywriters, Graphic Designers, Account Executives and Marketing Executives who aspire to be outstanding.

If you have no background in advertising and you just want to be more creative, this will improve the quality of your ideas.


Everyone is born creative, but many people stop being creative when they grow up. Some are ok with this, but most are not. Have you ever met someone who is always talking and talking about ideas but not doing anything about them? Maybe that someone is you?

That's a sign of your innate talent wanting to be heard. Your creativity is begging to be set free!

Whether you're already nurturing your creativity or still questioning it, the seed is already there. It may be latent but it is there.

For this seed to germinate, you need a catalyst. An alarm clock of sorts, to shock it out of inertia. Then it can start to grow and bloom.


In this training, there are no textbooks, no long lectures. You'll learn by questioning, experimenting and discussing to arrive at your own conclusions. This develops independence, confidence and originality.

Many have described the training as a roller coaster : you'll sink deeper and fly higher than ever before, and the ride will leave you breathless and exhilarated.

Some have called it a pressure cooker : it is designed to challenge you so that you will develop strength, resilience and the bull-headed determination to blast your way through obstacles.

Some say this training provided them with a space to find themselves. Here, they have permission to experiment and make mistakes. They are free to express, explore and discover what's important to them. Dreams come to life. Goals become clear. Daily activities become energised with a sense of purpose.

The common denominator is that this is a 3-month experience like no other. It is like stepping out of your life and taking a journey into another realm. One from which you will emerge refreshed, recharged and renewed.

Next Intake starts 23rd February

Get details on Idea Rawkstarrs :

To get more info, email
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