Thursday, November 11, 2010

Because everybodee loves desserts!

It's officially been two weeks since Ad Unplugged 2010 and thus far, we've already looked at a bunch of contagious stickers, a connecting booth, a giving tree and a multilingual parrot. Today's idea was from the same bunch of mutants who gave you yesterday's parrot. Like seriously guys. You really need to get your genes checked for real cause we're adamant that you're all abnormal. Mutants.

But hey, today's idea is still as awesome. Not only did it impressed the ECDs present at Ad Unplugged, your humble narrator is also sold to this idea. Because today's idea is simply Desserts!

What would UOX taste like? Hmmm...

The insight behind this idea was that most students spent their time hanging out with friends in their college/uni canteens. But head along from one canteen to another and ask them 'What's good to eat here' and they'd probably give you an 'Umm' before agreeing that the most palatable item from the kitchen would probably be the white rice.

This idea gives students a reason to actually hang out and patronise their campus canteens. It implements a new range of desserts called Dessert UOX and it comes in the form of ice-cream (!) and doughnuts. Skew it towards UOX's identity, and you get new interesting flavours, unique to the brand of UOX: yam, grape, blueberry and blackcurrant.

This adds literal flavour to the brand, and students actually get to experience UOX from a whole new perspective: through their tastebuds! And deng- it's already sounding tasty :D

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