Saturday, November 29, 2008

Kancil Awards 2008: BEST of the BEST in the student category goes to Ng Bee Nee of 95%

At the 2008 Kancil Awards, Ng Bee Nee's entry stood out from over 100 other students' work, and was judged to be the BEST of them all.

This is what some of the Kancil Award main jury said about her entry :

Pann Lim from Kinetic Singapore : "I love ideas that say so much but are yet so simple. Ideas that cut through the clutter (literally). Ideas that make me smile. Ideas that make me feel - Is this the end of my career?"

Adrian Miller from Saatchi & Saatchi : "She demonstrated that she has the basic requirement for a copywriter : strong grammar. The rest I can teach."

Mun from BBDO : "I would hire her."

Alex Burnard from New York's Crispin, Porter & Bogusky : "She made an effort to brand herself."

Bee Nee has a degree in English from UK and she is now a Hydrogen candidate at 95%, under contract to Grey Malaysia. CONGRATULATIONS BEE NEE!
Your career as a copywriter is launched :)

To find out how ad agencies can pre-book Hydrogen Candidates, please contact Felicia at 03-2287 6095.

Hey, did you know that the top Kancil Student Award Winners for the past four years (ever since we opened) are graduates of 95%?!
2005 : Norman Tang
2006 : Andrew Wong & Christopher Choong
2007 : Fajar Kurnia
2008 : Ng Bee Nee
You guys are the rare few individuals who are hungry and passionate to be the best in the industry. Thanks for giving us the honour of training you, you guys will be the leaders of the industry one day.

More Winners at Kancil Awards...

At the Kancil Awards last night, while it was great to see Bee Nee claim the Best of the Best Student Award, we were also very proud to see past graduates (who are now working) win as well. The standard of the Malaysian Kancil Awards is extremely high. Malaysia is among the best in the region, and our Kancil Awards maintains the same high standards as the top international award shows. Sometimes, it is even easier to win at Cannes or the One Show than it is at Kancil!

This says a lot about the winners.


Daniel Ang at Rapp Collins.
Bronze : BMW "harp"
Merit : BMW "let there be light"
BMW "harp" also won a Bronze at Effies and Finalist at Cannes.

Norman Tang at Dentsu.
Bronze : Maybank "WhatIsMToYou" website

Hex at Lowe & Partners
Bronze : Ikea "staircase"

Bala at McCann Erickson
Silver : SOL crash helmet TVC.

For the full list of results, click on the title of this post.
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