Friday, May 07, 2010

To dream is easy, but the road to achievement is not.

a 3-day training that guides you to discover a greater you

We've all had them at some point in our lives: great dreams and aspirations, that tells us what we want in life, and who we want to be. But as we grow a little older, we begin to follow our head, instead of being true to our hearts. Limitations and setbacks make those dreams grow a little more distant with the passing of each day.

Sometimes, one would stop and wonder, “Is it still possible to reach my dreams?” While some who had attempted but failed, would ask, “Why am I not getting there?” And with all these doubts, some may even question, if they ever had a dream at all.

But then again, maybe you've already achieved some things and seen some results. Yet it still feels like you could do so much more.

Maybe all you need is a little boost to take your game to the next level. A starting point, a nudge from the back. This is what the Sparks training is designed to do.

It is a training that will guide you to see a clearer direction of what you want in life, and how you can get there. It focuses on your individual growth to bring out the inner strength in you. With that, it will re-ignite the passion in you.

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